Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Over the course of time I've been on this earth, I have been blessed enough to accumulate a couple of real friends.  Friends who I love very much and know have my back no matter what.  Then there are those who have looked out for me and who have helped me along the way.  Yet still, there is a group who only surfaces on occassion but it is always good to see them, talk to them and catch up.  I would not have made it this far through my life without any of them.  They have all played a role in shaping the person I've become in one form or another.  I am most grateful when a life lesson is learned from them with love.  So the rest of this post is not about them.

Fake Friends - People who don't have your best interest at heart, who want to use you and pretend that they really care about you.  Jealousy, envy and resentment are what they really are about.  Get rid of them!!!!  They are miserable people with an agenda to wreak havoc wherever they are. 

Fairweather Friends - These are people who flake out on you when times get tough.  They seemed like they were true friends but then something happened and you realized that they are not real friends and do not have your back.  These are the kind of so called friends WHO DESERVE A LASHING!!!!  At some point in life, you helped them, even if it was only with information, they accepted the help and pretended, "Girl I got your back no matter what."  Before you GET RID OF THEM,  get back anything of yours they may  have immediately!!!! Unless of course it's a man they took from you, in which case leave him be.  They deserve each other!!!

Office Buddies - These are people that befriend you at your office whose entire friendship is based on what they can get out of you.  They either want your knowledge, contacts, clout, clients or your position.  They come at you with that, "we need to stick together," bullshit, then proceed to use you for whatever they can get!!!!  Hint, they will never get back to you in a timely manner with information you need, yet they will stalk you to get what they need!!!

Church Friends -  We are all children of God.  However, we don't all act like children of God.  There is a tendency to judge, express unsolicited opinions and use guilt when all else fails.  There are people who sit in church and pretend to be holier than thou and are the meanest, nastiest, ugliest, lying backstabbing schemers you've ever met.  BEWARE, THEIR BARK IS NOTHING COMPARED TO THEIR BITE!!!! You've been warned!!!

Friends by Default - These are friends you end up with by default.  Maybe they are spouses of business partners or your mate's business partners, your child's best friends parents, your best friend's friend, in-laws, etc.  Sometimes in a situation where a friendship doesn't really exist, one is being encouraged.  We know it's not what we want but give it a try anyway, then wish we had listened to our instincts.  You feel like you're being forced to be someone's friend.  Do yourself and them a favor and END IT!!!  It's not going to work out, you know why, because it's being forced.  Anyone who would try to build a friendship with you based on a forced relationship is bound to be trouble waiting to happen!!!!

And last but not least Needy Friends - These people have drama for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks and dessert.  It's always something.  You have to give them your undivided attention anytime they are around because they will not allow you to do anything else, even if you try.  They always need to be the center of attention!!! If you turn your attention away for just a moment, all hell breaks loose because they require constant ADULT SUPERVISION!!!!!!  If you choose to let these people remain in your life, and I don't know why you would, NEVER, EVER, EVER, travel with them.  You will be MISERABLE!!!! Catergories that are included in the NEEDY section, DRAMA QUEEN, CONSTANT COMPLAINER, ALWAYS BROKE, LOW SELF-ESTEEM AND INSECURE, RAGING MANIAC BITCH AND CONSTANT CONTRADICTOR WHO ARGUES ALL THE TIME ABOUT EVERYTHING!!!!(Warning contradictor thinks she's actually being intelligent and debating as if she's running for president)