I don't even know where to begin with this one. It seems that there are so many stupid decisions being made by people that I can't cover them all. But you know I have to try. What in the world is going on today? Why are so many people who obviously don't know what they're doing in charge?
The woman that the Republican Party wants to be president is as dumb as dirt. Why is she so popular? She thought that she could see Russia from her window. This isn't funny, it's just pathetic. She has no desire to fade away and go back to her boring life outside the lower 48 and I really don't blame her for that. However, I do blame the American public for entertaining this moron's ideology. IGNORE HER PLEASE; STOP SHOWING UP FOR HER TEA PARTIES!!!!!!! She'll disappear from public life. Remember Dan Quayle?
It doesn't matter how badly a kid misbehaves, you can't spank them, yell at them or threaten them because someone will report you, probably the kid. A case will be opened against you and an investigation begun. You can be held liable for your child's actions including damages and child support. You can be sued for their decisions as you are expected to control and manage your children. Control them how? Spank them, hurt their feelings or threaten bodily harm, then you become the lawbreaker. WHAT THE HELL? I say give all the damn kids to the judge hearing the case, then get on with your life. As you exit the courtroom yell, "FREE AT LAST, FREE AT LAST, THANK GOD ALMIGHTY I'M FREE AT LAST!!!!!!"
Company policies that are frustrating for customers. I am your customer you ungrateful imbecile. Without me your business doesn't exist. Your idea of customer service is to create and enforce dumb policies that frustrate the customers, hire lazy people who can't or won't do their jobs, employ managers who are actually dumber than the staff they supervise and never have in stock what I need. OYE!!!!!!! I know at least a dozen smart hard working people who are looking for work. In this economy I'm sure there are better qualified people to hire. I BEG OF YOU, PLEASE FIND THEM!!!!! Instead of giving tests that will predict who will steal from you, how about testing to see if they have the skills needed to do the job.
PYRAMID SCHEMES Can you believe they are still around? If one more person has the opportunity of a lifetime they want to introduce me to, I swear I might behead them. If it is such a golden opportunity why are you still poor and more importantly why are you sharing it with me? I'll tell you why, because for this golden opportunity to pay off, you need to recruit me and everyone I know so you can be paid from what we sell. Does that about sum it up? YEAH AND IT'S STILL A PYRAMID SCHEME!!! You may be offering a different product but it's the same old game. Do me a favor and take your opportunity of a lifetime with you when you go. Better yet keep it to yourself!!!!
Allowing colleagues and co-workers to get away with behavior or policies that you know are detrimental to the public and shareholders is abhorrent. The current meltdown we are all living through is a consequence of such decisions. Many people in the financial industry were aware that questionable financial products were saturating the market. Most said and did nothing until it was too late and the meltdown had begun. It was only a matter of time. This is just common sense. You cannot saturate the market with bad products and expect it not to impact the economy. They knew, they just didn't care. MONEY IS NOT THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL, THE LOVE OF MONEY IS!!! Just ask Bernie Madoff..
You can't have it all unless you can afford it. If you're like most Americans and you have a median income that is in line with the national average, then you can't afford everything you want. Desiring something and affording it are not always mutually exclusive. It's insane to think you can afford a half million dollar home when you only make fifty thousand dollars. No one should be able to talk you into something so asinine. You can't drive a Rolls Royce, wear top designer clothes (at full price anyway), travel the world first class, wear the finest diamonds on earth, drink Crystal or whatever other dumb thing done trying to keep up with the Jones. Trust me, THE JONES ARE POORER THAN YOU ARE!!!! I just sold the house they couldn't afford.
There is no such thing as a free ride. Stop expecting free service. Some things you have to pay for. The old adage "You Get What You Pay For" is so true. There are people in this world who earn a living by providing you with a service. Do not demand their service and not expect to pay for it. Most things they offer, you can do for yourself with some legwork. However, if you do use their services then expect to pay for it. If you can't afford it, then don't use them. Stop trying to get over on people. Yes you are trying to get over!!!
Don't be a liar!!! Do what you say you will do and do it when you said you would. When you don't keep your word, it destroys your credibility (at least with me anyway). I will not take you seriously. If you promise to complete something in a certain time frame, I expect you to meet your deadline. If you can't, I expect you to tell me you can't as soon as you know. Be on time for your appointments. I know that sometimes things happen and you can't avoid being late, but some folks are habitually late. I do not take kindly to people wasting my time. It's arrogant when you feel it's okay to always be late. I don't appreciate people who think their time is more valuable than mine. It isn't. When you don't deliver what you promised, are always late, don't keep your word and make excuses all the time, you are a liar!!!!!
Learn how to speak!!! If you can't conduct a conversation without lacing it with profanity, bad grammar and inappropriate topics, then SHUT UP!!! Do whatever you have to do to help yourself. Try remedial classes, English classes, thesaurus button on your computer, whatever, anything and everything to improve yourself. I do not wish to engage in a conversation with an idiot. I am too pressed for time to slow down and take you through a grammar lesson. If you want to be successful, then learn how to speak properly.
Learn how to behave!!! If you are over 5 years of age, you should know how to behave as a civilized person. Your behavior is simply how you conduct yourself, interact with others or present yourself. If you don't like the way you are treated, perhaps you should engage in different behavior patterns. If you look and act like a thug, you will be treated as one. If you look and act like a hooker, you will be treated like one. If you look and act like a jackass, you will be treated as one. Don't behave in a disrespectful manner and expect respect. Being the constant center of attention is not your birthright so give the rest of us a break.
Learn how to dress and groom yourself. I'm tired of looking at your nasty ass because you won't pull up your pants. I'm tired of looking at your unkempt, ungroomed and ragged mess because you think it's okay to leave your house looking as if you're homeless. Take a shower, use deodorant, brush your teeth and comb your hair. Try getting a haircut sometimes, so you don't look like a runaway prisoner. Wear clothing that fit. Don't expose all of your assets. I don't want to see your stretch marks or the cellulite on your thighs and behind. Do Not Walk Into An Office Looking For Work and you look and speak like Mr. or Mrs. Ignoramus from Stupidville. You won't be considered for dog washing duty much less actual employment.
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