Monday, September 13, 2010

Things We Tolerate That We Shouldn't

Child Molesters - They should all be skinned alive, tarred and feathered and hung at high noon. The planet can do without them.

Wild Shootouts - Eruptions of gunfire in urban populated areas should not be the norm.  This should be stomped out by any means necessary.  When a cop is shot, the area is saturated with police and every human in eyesight is either questioned, detained or arrested until the perpertrator is found.  Why isn't the same diligence applied all the time?

Third World Customer Service - I bought the product locally.  Why I am dealing with a customer service rep who I can't understand from another country?  You want to talk about frustrating.  Who thought up this one, whoever it is should be charged with treason.

Bad Drivers -  People talk on the cell phones, text, put on makeup, eat and discipline their children all while driving.  I don't want to die because you think you can multitask and drive.  These people should be arrested and charged with stupidity in the 1st degree and sentenced to at least 1 year in prison.

Disrespectful Children -  They should be stripped immediately of everything they have and placed in a crappy group home for 90 days so they can learn to appreciate what they had.  The really hard cases should be put in basic training or boot camp for at least a year. 

Lazy Managers/Bosses -  They should be secretly videotaped doing and solving nothing.  This tape should be played at the next company meeting so all can see the incompetence.  Public humiliation and embarrassment should be the price to pay for laziness.

Haters - They should be rounded up and all placed on an isolated island where they can hate on each other until death claims them all.

Motivational Speakers - The only thing they motivate is your money to part from your pocket to purchase their products.

Frenemies  - I don't know who came up with the term, but it's a good way to describe people you think are your friends who aren't.  Friends should love you, protect you, understand you and help you.  If your friends aren't doing these things, then shove them right out of your life via the nearest window. (Please make sure the window is on the ground floor)

Selfish Spouses/Lovers - If the person you're with does not love you, support you, makes you feel special, encourages you, has your best interest at heart and smiles at the sight of you, then it's time to make some changes.  Whether it's you or them that should change is for you to figure out!

1 comment:

  1. Lazy Managers/Bosses - They should be secretly videotaped doing and solving nothing. This tape should be played at the next company meeting so all can see the incompetence. Public humiliation and embarrassment should be the price to pay for laziness.

    Absolutely hysterical. That I would pay to see. I have a couple of bosses I can recommend!!!!!!!
