Monday, September 20, 2010

Out of Control Women

I recently posted a blog about out of control men and so I thought it only fair to tackle the subject of out of control women as well.  I have always been a big fan of women because I am one and I know how awesome we can be.  So this blog is not about the women who hold it down and do what they have to do to keep their lives and families going and together.  This is about the women who really don't have it together and need to get it together.

If you are over 30 years of age and especially if you have children, stop acting like a teenager.  You aren't.  Teenagers are silly and their supposed to be silly, that's why we tolerate them.  Don't be afraid to act your age, it encourages people around you to accept and treat you as an adult. 

If you're lucky enough to have real friends who love you, appreciate them.  Don't try to steal their man, talk about them behind their backs, be envious or jealous, discourage, insult, manipulate or use them.  I would never tolerate such behavior from someone who is supposed to be my friend. 

Please dress age appropriate.  It is nothing sadder than a woman who is too old or out of shape for the look she is trying to carry.  It's pathetic and people are laughing at you.  No they are not hating on you.  You look ridiculous.

Please, please, please stop cursing out your children in public.  Why are you screaming, yelling and cursing out your kids in the street?  If your kids were disciplined and well behaved at home, they would not embarrass you in public.  You're the one who comes off out of control, not the kids.

Please stop challenging and wanting to curse out total strangers.  I am sorry if your life sucks and you're unhappy, but I am not responsible for the bad choices you made that led you to a sucky life.  I refuse to be the object of your rage.  Yes it is rage!  Men do not have the market cornered on rage, women are pretty good at it also.  As I previously stated, rage has no place in human emotions.  It is an ugly evil state of mind that you should never partake in.  Besides you may encounter someone who actually has more rage than you. Then what?

Denial as a way of life.  No you do not look like your daughter's sister, you look like her mother.  No you do not look good in those too tight clothes.  It looks like a fight is taking place between your gut and your behind.  No your weave does not look like it grew from your head.  It looks fake.  No you do not look sexy in those high heels.  You look like your feet hurt and you can barely make it down the street.  No your man is not happy with you.  He is waiting for death or Jesus, whichever happens first.  OPEN YOUR EYES and see your life for what it really is.  Only then can you begin the real changes that lead to fulfillment and happiness.

Stop supporting and taking care of men who won't work.  If your man cannot get off his ass and do what he needs to do to feed and take care of his family, then he needs to go.  Don't knock on my door with your sad stories about needing to borrow money.  Sorry, but I don't loan money, especially to someone whose man won't work. 

If you have a good man STOP EMASCULATING HIM!!!  It's no wonder some men walk out and never return.  You're impossible to live with, love, be around or enjoy.  All you do is complain, nag, whine and bitch.  Never happy, never satisfied and never appreciate anything. UGH!!!! I would leave too!!!!

If you want a man but can't find one ask yourself why!  Men are everywhere.  Why are you having such a difficult time?  I have heard this one repeatedly, "It's not that there are no men out there, it's that there are no "good" men out there.  BULL!!!  Most of you are suffering from unrealistic expectations for what you have to offer.  That's the real problem.  (Yeah, I know I will get a lot of flack for this one, but it's true.)  I'm tired of ordinary people with extraordinary expectations from a mate.  Stop it PLEASE!!!!!  Hey I have a better idea, why don't you work on becoming an extraordinary person.  I promise it will be a journey in life that you will be happy you undertook.

Stop being promiscuous!!!  No it is not sexual liberation, taking control of your needs, being in charge, running the show or whatever else you want to call it.  You are easy!!! That's all!!! EASY!!! 

If you're over 60 and think that gives you the right to say whatever comes to mind, THINK AGAIN!  It doesn't.  I don't care how long you've been on this earth, what you think you've learned and what you think you know, you are not entitled to say whatever you want anytime you want to whoever you want.  You're a product of your environment.  Your frame of reference comes from your personal experience.   It does not give you an all access pass to all knowledge in the universe, just the parameters of your limited world.  Unless someone asks for your opinions, keep them to yourselves.

1 comment:

  1. Well put! Often times we wonder why we as females dont get the respect that we deserve. Well to a certain degree, you get back the respect you put into yourself. Smh, how can you set an example when you are a 75 year old women walking down the street with tiger print pants, 10in finger nails and a leotard on with no bra..UGGG (the pic is clear as day get it together. The beauty about life is being able to grown in the mental physical and spirit.
