This blog was inspired by the comments made by readers on random blogs and sites I visit. After surfing the web and reading lots of news items, entertainment blogs, financial blogs and opinion pieces I noticed a disturbing trend. Readers are spewing poison and hate in the comments section so much so, that many sites have changed the way you can leave comments. In this era of anonymity, people feel comfortable being their true selves and expressing the venom that they really feel. It's all across the web. WE REALLY NEED TO LEARN TO RESPECT OTHERS REGARDLESS OF WHETHER OR NOT WE SEE EYE TO EYE ON ISSUES!!!!!
During the recent presidential campaign and election, the comments that appeared across the web about our president and his administration were downright inflammatory. One of the supposedly most successful men in our city (not in my opinion but we'll save that for another day), Donald Trump pretty much destroyed what little credibility he had always attacking President Obama. Basically he feels he's the worse president ever and undertook a campaign to humiliate, belittle and embarrass him whenever he could. His agenda was to keep him from being re-elected which was an epic failure. Whatever you think of the President, he is the most powerful person in the world and the office of the Presidency always commands respect. It is a very few who will ever ascend to that office. Donald Trump is among the educated, wealthy and supposedly intelligent people in the world. I can almost understand when some loser redneck from the backwoods, talks this poison and spews venom everywhere. This person is a loser in life and doesn't see or acknowledge his role in his loser life. However people who are educated and successful are supposed to know how to disagree and state how they feel without the obvious lack of RESPECT exhibited here. It's what we expect of those who KNOW BETTER TO DO BETTER!!!!
Physical bullying is also alive and well and thriving!! A few months ago a teenage girl who was being bullied by the football players at her high school took her own life, by jumping in front of a subway train in front of her classmates. She said she couldn't take it anymore before she jumped. Many young people are opting for death rather than deal with another moment of bullying. I find this phenomenon especially disturbing because, its so sad and the victims so young. Many adults say things like, high school doesn't last forever and we all were teased growing up. Obviously the child who takes there life doesn't see it this way. If we are going to help, we have to recognize how they feel and how they see it.
If you dare to criticize a beloved celebrity whose lifestyle choices you may not agree with, LOOK OUT!!! Their fans may stalk you on Twitter, Facebook or any other social media site and make your life miserable. It's bullying for the 21st century, CYBER-BULLYING!!! If you dare express your opinion and disagreement in the comments section, with a celebrities actions on one of the many on-line blogs that cover this, you will be bombarded with vicious responses by their fans. They will call you names, talk about you as if they know you and even threaten you. All of this because you disagree with their opinion. How much more disrespectful can it get, when you aren't even allowed to have your own independent opinion? God has given each of us free will, yet many humans believe they have the right to quash that free will. The ironic thing here is the celebrity they think they're defending doesn't give a crap about any of us.
Using people for all you can get out of them and paying them very little for this is another way we show people lack of respect. We are moving toward a low-wage existent society. Once upon a time a college education guaranteed you a middle class life, not anymore!!!! There are people with graduate degrees who cannot find work and are on food stamps. You can outsource jobs that once paid nice living wages, dumb down our students, take away hard fought benefits like medical and dental, etc all in the name of progress. Who does this progress benefit? Certainly not middle class America or the poor. There's no hope of them ever moving up in life. When the deck is constantly stacked against the have not's, how do they move up? HMMM!! I know they DON'T!!! Now don't get me wrong, I believe in free enterprise and I'm not about socialism, but I do believe in fair wages for a day's work.
Deciding I fit a stereotype and you know what I'm about is yet another way to show your lack of respect. I have many facets to my personality as do all people. If I'm having a bad day or going through a particularly tough time, it DOES NOT MAKE ME AN ANGRY BLACK WOMAN!!!! It makes me a human being going through something. I'm sick of people who think they know what walking around in my shoes is like. You have no idea what it is to be me and I have no idea what it is to be you. Please do not make assumptions about me. I'm sick of people who are displeased with themselves looking to justify their miserable existence by blaming others for all their problems. I wasn't there when your problems became a part of your life and I am not particularly interested in being the recipient of your frustrations.
All of the above are just a sample reflecting what happens when we don't show others respect. Every human being wants to be validated and acknowledged. When we decide that others don't matter, ultimately we disrespect ourselves as we are all connected. I value myself and my life, so please, if you choose to be an ASS, STAY AWAY FROM ME!!!!