I am UNAPOLOGETICALLY BLACK!!! Black is how the world sees me. It is the first thing people notice about me. I'm okay with that because BLACK is what I am. This is how God created me and he never makes mistakes. I am proud to be a black woman. It makes me part of a race of people who have overcome and continue to overcome some of the most abhorrent and hateful atrocities ever bestowed on humanity. I am proud that I come from a people who are resilient, resourceful and determined. In the shortest time ever by any group of people so oppressed, we have made advances that are truly amazing. The Civil Rights Act was only passed in 1964. That's since I was born. We have dealt with hundreds of years of slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow laws, cross burnings, church bombings, lynchings, rapes, assaults and just about everything else you can think of that can be done to degrade a human being. The really sad thing is that black people are still being vilified today. The vilification doesn't just come from white people, but other people of color as well as other black people. I'm disappointed that so many who used the open door of Civil Rights to march through off the backs and blood of black people have only turned around to discriminate against black people themselves. I believe in human rights, diversity and freedom, but for those who continue to use our door without having to pay dues and thumbing their noses at the black community, I say LET THEM STAND ON THEIR OWN, IN THEIR OWN ACCOMPLISHMENTS to see what they are truly made of!!!! Let's see if in 52 years they can rise to the level of our accomplishments and have their culture influence and dominate the world. Let's see if they can get a President elected, dominate the areas of entertainment, sports,beauty, fashion, music, food and the arts. Just about every trend this world sees starts on the streets in the hood. People are paying good money for what is natural for black people, full lips, ample behinds, thick full natural hair, skin hues in colors that can't be duplicated, yet we are to believe that black people, especially women are undesirable, ugly and lack sensuality and sexuality!!! PLEASE, FEED THAT BULLSHIT TO SOMEONE ELSE, BECAUSE I KNOW BETTER!!! If I love myself and am confident as a black woman, why does that bother so many? It seems only when we behave as if we're broken and destroyed are others comfortable. If you show any pride in yourself, your race or the accomplishments of your race, that's a problem!! I am black, that's what I am and I make no apologies for it. I am proud of myself for surviving and thriving in a world that wasn't made for me. I am proud of my people for accomplishing so much in such a short amount of time. Our grandparents didn't have the options we had. Most of them knew they could only look forward to a life of domestic work or hard labor. The educated amongst them had to overcome such tremendous odds to become educated and still most only had the option of teaching or nursing as careers. Today, black Americans have kicked the door in and down and we will continue to do so because we are a people who have proven we can and we will. The notion that we can't stick together and accomplish something is nonsense. Look at all we have made happen. PLEASE STOP LISTENING TO THOSE WHO WANT TO DIVIDE AND CONQUER. I will continue to be vocal on any issues that I feel I need to.
I am UNAPOLOGETICALLY A CHRISTIAN. I was born into a family of Christians and this is the faith my parents passed on to me. As most people do, I strayed away from the Church and my spiritual growth. I never lost my belief that there is a God, but did not always actively seek a relationship with God during my young adult years. But then you grow up and something happens to make you realize that your faith and relationship with God is the most important relationship in this world you can develop. As an adult I chose to re-ignite my faith and my relationship with God. I do not shove my beliefs down anyone's throat and demand that they see things my way. This is my choice and my decision to believe in God, to worship God as my Lord and Savior and to honor God by living my life in line with his word. It doesn't mean I haven't made mistakes and fallen short many times, but I still keep trying. I do not worry about being politically correct when it comes to God and his word. I believe that Christmas is to celebrate the birth of Christ and that Easter is about celebrating the resurrection of Christ after his crucifixion. I have no issues with other religions celebrating their beliefs and recognizing their holidays. I do have a problem with people in a Christian nation (yes the majority of Americans are of Christian faith) being politically correct taking Christ out of Christmas and Easter. These holidays exist solely for the purpose of celebrating Christ. Anyone who has an issue with that should just sit it out. It wasn't meant for them to be a part of. I don't participate in Holidays and Observances that don't coincide with my beliefs and I'm fine with that. I understand they're not for me. As for those who believe that people of color shouldn't believe in a religion that they feel white people pushed on us, Christianity existed in Africa and around the world long before we were taken from there. Yes there have been some ugly things done in the name of Christianity and other religions. We can't take the actions of mankind and turn them into weapons against faith. When mankind does atrocious things in the name of religion, they are fulfilling their own need to destroy and not Gods. I also know some people who call themselves Christians are nothing but troublemakers always looking to start something. Again, these are human beings doing what they feel compelled to do which is destroy. You can't let them get in the way of your faith and your journey with God.
I am UNAPOLOGETICALLY A WOMAN. I was born a woman and will happily remain one the rest of my life. I do not feel the need to compete with men or dumb myself down to be with a man. I am a curious intelligent being who knows who she is and what I want, so please do not expect me to sacrifice my life, wishes and dreams to help you or be with you. I want someone who will compliment me, not try to make me disappear into him. I speak out on issues I feel negatively affect me as a woman and stand up for myself. Once again, I'm not all that concerned with being politically correct when I feel my well being and safety are at stake. Women are giving away all their power in the name of being politically correct and better start understanding that. When I listen to some of the young ladies I know talk about their interactions with men and how they are treated, it saddens me because I know this is happening because they allow it. I'm sad that these women fail to realize their true value and worth. They need to understand that only they can demand respect for themselves and insist on being treated with respect, elevating their standard and rejecting anything less than what they deserve. Worrying about losing someone who doesn't deserve you in the first place is a waste of time. We live in a time where people try to make you feel bad for aging, being curvy or not wanting to look like everyone else. There's nothing wrong with wanting to look good and having nice things, but they shouldn't define who you are. I don't want to be anything other than what I am, a beautiful, smart black christian woman. I don't want anyone trying to make me feel bad or less than because I am those things!!!! Their are so many women today who are the first to line up and attack another woman for her beliefs, lifestyle and morals. One day I hope women wake up and realize all the power they have given away in the name of political correctness.