To all of the supporters, defenders and voters of President-elect, Donald Trump, THANK YOU!!!!. There's something about pretensions being shattered that liberate the mind, body and soul.
I posted on my Facebook page earlier this month after the election results about how the real lesson here may be in seeing who we are letting in our lives. We are colleagues, drinking, lunch and dinner buddies. Some of us thought we were really good friends and others we knew were casual acquaintances in our daily lives. What do we really know about each other, a few intimate things, maybe and maybe not. Sometimes we like each other and sometimes we're pretending. All of this as we go along to get along. After all you don't want to be labeled difficult or anti-social. What this election did was pull the covers off and ripped the scab off of America's bullshit. We are a country divided and the racists came out in full force to support this man. It let's us know we have a long way to go and are still doing a lot of pretending!!!!
WELL NO MORE PRETENDING WITH ME!!!! We are sitting down to dinner, having drinks, having lunch and spending our time with people who were comfortable putting a racist, sexist, elitist in the White House. I saw a meme that says, "You may not be a racist, but putting one in the White House wasn't a deal breaker." Well I disagree, if you were comfortable putting one in the White House, it is because you agree with him. I've also heard all of the excuses, from I'm voting for my unborn grandchildren to what does it matter as long as he can fix the country. The country was not broken. It was just in the control of a black president which many of you couldn't stomach because as far as you're concerned a black man didn't belong in the White House!!! As far as your unborn grandchildren are concerned, they'll be born only if the mother carrying them wants them to be. No president, future or past will be the reason your unborn grandchild lives or dies!!!
IF YOU'RE OKAY WITH DONALD TRUMP BEING PRESIDENT, YOU ARE NOT ABOUT MY CIVIL LIBERTIES AND RIGHTS!!! IT IS AN OXYMORON TO SAY YOU ARE A TRUMP SUPPORTER AND A CHRISTIAN, OR YOU BELIEVE IN HUMAN RIGHTS OR GENDER EQUALITY!!!! Trump has nothing to do with God or humanity. Trump is about Trump, always has been and always will be. His record speaks for itself!!!
Yes we each have the right to support the candidate of our choice, but I also have the right to not engage with people who support such a candidate and who are about hate and bigotry and feel racism and sexism is a cost of doing business. I cannot allow someone in my life who thinks these issues are secondary to preserving their privilege. Your privilege has come at a cost of others rights and hardships for far too long. I would rather spend my time with those who understand that everyone should be extended the courtesy of being treated like a human being with dignity and given the opportunity to reach their maximum potential without interruption or interference from those whose hatred envelopes them! If I don't matter to you, you certainly shouldn't matter to me!!!! Please do not tell me, you can be a supporter of Trump and not be a racist. It isn't possible and don't delude yourself, you are not a nice person, a good person or a decent person who just happens to support Trump!!! I know I won't have the luxury of never dealing with any of his supporters, but I do have the option of not having a personal relationship with any of the ones I know about!!!! AS IT TURNS OUT RACISM IS A DEAL BREAKER FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!