Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Bakari Henderson

I don't know the circumstances of exactly what happened to this young man, but I know that I don't believe what we are being told. This is a story that so far makes absolutely no sense. As his friend said in an interview; Why were there 10 men against him, for what reason? Well I have a few questions of my own. Where were all his friends when he was getting the life beaten out of him? Hell where were strangers? Why didn't someone intervene as reports are indicating there were no defensive wounds? Who just stands there and lets someone beat on them? Why were his attackers so bent on beating the life out of this man? I don't care what the attorney says about his client not meaning to be fatal. You don't continuously beat a man in his head, especially with brass knuckles if true and expect that no damage will be done. You mean to inflict some damage at the very least and death at most.  Why is the question that is not being addressed.  The limited information coming out of Greece about this incident is suspect.  Basically all they keep telling us and making sure to emphasis is, "It was the Serbs."  Okay it was Serbian people and not Greek people who did this.  Well Greece, that still doesn't let you off the hook.  If Serbian people are a problem and are prone towards violence, what are you doing about it?  If this violence is particularly an issue towards Americans and/or black people, don't you have an obligation to at the very least warn us?  I get you don't want the attack associated with Greeks because they didn't perpetrate this crime, but this did happen under the territory of Greece.  With an economy that is in ruins and tourism being one of the bright spots, I would think the Greek authorities would take whatever steps and action necessary to protect tourist.  I have read many opinions on Baraki and the company he chose to keep.  I will not comment on that here and leave that to others to dissect, other than to say if he thought surrounding himself with caucasian people would protect him from his blackness, then he found out in the harshest way possible that would not be the case.  He was young, very young and obviously had not got the lesson yet, that you cannot escape your blackness.  The only way to handle it, is to wear it proud and be secure in the knowledge of the greatness you come from.  Anything else is just counterproductive to your ability to shine.  Surrounding and surrendering yourself to the ideals that people wish you to be instead of who you are will always lead to an implosion of self.  My thoughts and prayers are with this young man's family.  However you see the situation, he DID NOT deserve to be beaten to death for whatever the stupid reason will turn out to be.


Another video floating around social media is very upsetting to me.  It's a video showing a man in Amsterdam hurling a black woman down a flight of stairs in an attempt to get her out of the apartment she and her friend were sharing.  Apparently the man felt they were overstaying their time and needed to get the next set of people in.  He was renting via AIRBNB which I have a whole host of reasons why black people should just stick with hotels and hostels than deal with some of the racial issues this newfound trend has bought out.  In a hotel or hostel environment, this would have not happened.  It would have been handled very differently.  For starters if working out keeping the room couldn't be done and they refused to leave, the police would have been called and escorted them out.  They would not have likely been thrown down stairs and treated like rag dolls.  I for one am tired of people thinking that its okay to disrespect black people, in particular black women and people need to understand that the majority of us are not going to react like Bakari Henderson and not defend ourselves and I'm not going to cry like a little girl if you put your hands on me.  I'm going to defend myself and I will be coming hard for anyone who I feel is a danger to my safety and well being, so please understand that before you approach me.  The soft and coons among us should not lull you into a false sense of security that we are scared cowards and won't fight back.  IT IS NOT TRUE!!!  Respect works both ways, you don't give it, you don't get it!!!!
