Sunday, January 12, 2014


Maturation should be a continuous process in life.  When I am out and about, one of the things I do is people watch.  Living in the great city of New York, there are plenty of people to observe.  I enjoy meeting new people and learning new things.  It keeps us from becoming to rooted and stale in our behavior.  I am increasingly disappointed in the lack of maturity I see in people today.  We have become a society of instant gratification, lack of discipline, lack of consideration, have lost focus on what's really important and we celebrate stupidity.  What's worse is that those who know better are often reluctant to speak out so they don't.  If you don't agree with the masses, you could face serious repercussions, so I do understand the reluctance to speak out, but is that really an excuse?  Too many people in history have stood up to and faced hostility to defend what they know is right.

In this era of cell phones equipped with video recorders and social media we are really getting a first hand look at human behavior in the 21st century.  To often the picture is NOT PRETTY!!!!  We get to see out of control young people behave like 2 year old toddlers and want to fight about everything.  You know what I take that back, it's an insult to 2 year old toddlers!!! By the time you've reached your teenage years, the word, NO, should not be a strange unheard of word to you.  You should be familiar with it.  If you aren't then shame on your parents, because that's a pretty good indication, that they've always given you your way and whatever you wanted.  That's one way to set the groundwork for a really selfish adult who's totally self centered.

We have adults who want to still behave as if they're teenagers.  I don't know if there is anything sadder in this world than an adult who is obviously to old to behave like a 16 year old but does it anyway.  Trying to compete with young people is a clear sign you have yet to grow up.   If you have truly matured, then you understand that you don't need to compete with them and honestly you can't anyway.  You would know that if you were being honest with yourself.  Honesty isn't exactly at the top of the list of priorities for immature people.  They prefer to believe they're own bull.

Cell phones and social media are wonderful tools to reach and stay in touch with people.  Too many people use them as a means to personally attack, bother, harass, stalk and bully other people.  If you are on your cell phone having an intensely personal conversation without any regard to those around you, then you are one of the people I'm talking about.  Do us all a favor and either SHUT UP or find a more private space to retreat  to and have your conversation.  I really don't want to hear what you're talking about.  It's inconsiderate to the people around you and your personal information doesn't need to be discussed in front of strangers.
 As for the people who use social media as a tool to harass others, you just come off as pathetic angry bitter people.  If your life is a together as you would have us believe then, you shouldn't have time to be on social media attacking people. Mature people don't go on social media to settle their difference with others.

For the men who try to pick up women on social media, you're all LOSERS!!!!! Yes I said it.  For most women, it's a serious turn-off and a sign that you might be DERANGED!!!!  The world is full of people.  We're all surrounded everyday by people, so you should have no problem meeting people and talking directly to them.  It's how we sum each other up.  It is an invaluable tool when determining a person's character.  The fact that you stalk strange women on social media speaks volumes about you and it's not a good thing!  Grown mature men don't need Facebook to get women!!!!!!! Seasoned men have charm, intellect, sophistication and a decent conversation to interest the opposite sex.  They don't post, inbox, email, or text inappropriate pictures!!!! FYI if you send me an  inappropriate photo I will use it to embarrass you.  Everyone you know including, your mother, father, siblings, boss, pastor, children and anyone else I can think of will get a copy of that picture.  So think twice before sending one to me!!!!

If you're hired to do a job, then do it.  Don't sit there with an attitude because you don't really want to be there.  Go and be where you really want to be, doing what you really want to do.  In the meantime, if you take the job, then do the job.  Don't give me attitude.  I don't care if you're unhappy.  In life sometimes we do things that have nothing to do with our happiness to survive.  It's called GROWING UP!!! More people should try it.  It is only when you've reached a point of total honesty about who and what you are can you CONTINUE  the process to evolve into the person you were meant to be.  IMMATURITY INTERRUPTS this process.  Maturing is about constantly evolving into your higher self, the person God intended for you to be.  When you fail to grow up and insist on remaining in a permanent state of immaturity, you deny yourself the opportunity to be who you really should be.  You send a message to your children that it's okay to be stuck in a mental state of mediocre.  I don't care how successful you are in other things in life, you aren't even close to accomplishing anything until you grow into the self God made you to be!!!!!

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