Where do we begin with this one? This country has always been a dangerous place for black people. It is a world that was not created for us and does not take our unique experience into consideration. Honestly, it doesn't even acknowledge our unique history and experiences in America. In spite of all of that, we have as a race thrived and prospered anyway. This disheartening and demoralizing lack of concern and value for the life of black people in this country is despicable.
For over 400 years the descendants of Africa have been fighting for their rights in this country. Of late, there has been much talk of the different types of black experiences and lineage of black people in this country and around the world for that matter. I am not attempting in anyway to address all these types of lineages and experiences. I am a descendant of African slaves and my family has been in this country for at least a couple hundred years as my family tree indicates. I am speaking only about the millions of us who are descendants of African slaves and have been in the country for many generations. I know many are offended about being grouped in with the terminology African American and I want to be clear, I am not speaking about them. I will leave them to tell their own story. I am addressing the generations of mistreatment and continued systematic cover up of the intentional police misconduct aimed at causing harm to black people.
From slavery and it's historical devaluing of black life including the rapes, lynching, burning, mutalitings, beatings and killings of millions of innocent African people to Willie Lynch and Jim Crow laws, black people weren't supposed to survive. We didn't just survive, but we organized, fought back and founded the Civil Rights Movement stood up for ourselves and demanded our equal rights. As a result, the civil rights movement was signed into law. Just about every suppressed group around the world today uses this as an example to stand up for themselves and fight back. We created the blueprint for others to follow.
The lack of value of black life isn't just a problem outside of our community, but within as well. Our young people must understand the true price paid for their freedom and the ability to make available to them choices their ancestors never had. The materialistic existence that so many of them have has lead them to place value and worth on the wrong things. Idleness is the enemy of success. I would encourage all of our young people to find something that really interests you and learn all you can about it. Even if it you have to do it for free, learn it, master it and one day it will lead you to a place where it earns you success. People suffered greatly and many gave their lives so you could be free. Your life is either an example for humanity or a stain on it!!!
The police who are sworn to protect and serve have turned into (maybe they were all along) an organization used to dole out street justice, like any other gang of thugs on the streets. Killing unarmed black people seems to go unpunished because many believe the lies the police tell, they feel they must have done something to deserve it. Many of these infractions they are being accused of is NOT PUNISHABLE BY DEATH!!! If these men lived to be prosecuted or punished, death wouldn't even be an option. I venture to say that most would have the charges dismissed since we are talking about petty nonsense to begin with. So why is a person who sells loose cigarettes on the street dead by a police chokehold for a crime that wouldn't even gotten him jail time? Why is a little boy with a toy gun shot dead, especially when you were told before arriving on scene that the gun was likely a toy? Was there some local law that took effect declaring death now become the punishment for carrying a toy gun? Don't tell me he shouldn't be playing with a toy gun. When all little boys including little white boys are told to stop playing with toy guns, then we can talk!!! Why is a child who was walking before the police arrived suddenly crying out in pain and unable to walk or hold himself up and then later dies of injuries from his broken back not treated immediately or taken for medical help? Better yet, why is he handled with such force by a group of solid size men that his back and spine get broken? Why is a man who owes child support shot eight times in the back? I can't think of one woman I know who would like to see their ex be shot over child support, if for no other reason than, you'll never get your money. These men are treated so inhumanely because society does not value them. They are being taken away from their families and communities because racist police officers who should not be patrolling are using deadly force as a first defense. After watching some of the footage that has come to light, you can't even say they're afraid, since so much of this is done so cold bloodily. This isn't fear, it's disdain, hatred, arrogance and racism in full display for all the world to see.
I've said it before, but it bears repeating. People only do what they do, because they don't believe they will be judged and answer for it one day. If you need any further proof of that just look at what's going on in the world today. Each morning each of us that rise and meet the day, have been given permission by God to be here. When someone removes one of us, they are telling God, you made a mistake, but don't worry, I took care of it for you. I guess they don't think he will ever demand an explanation from them.
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