Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Out of Control Men

I was on the Brooklyn bound A train a couple of weeks ago and witnessed this young man spiral completely out of control.  He was insulted because a young lady on the train didn't want to talk to him.  She never said anything, she just moved away. This punk proceeded to curse her out beyond belief.  He called her names, threatened her and insulted every woman on the train.  All of this because someone didn't want to be bothered.  Surely you've faced rejection before.  Is this how you learned to handle it?

This is not about the men out there who behave as the gentlemen they are.  This is about the men who are out of control.  I reluctantly refer to them as men, but really they're not.  On numerous occasions I have witnessed men spiral out of control at total strangers, as well as listen to people describe their random experiences with angry men.  Many of these are stranger on stranger encounters.  Why are men accosting strange women they don't know?  Sometimes there is little to no verbal exchange, just a display of rage. 

Rage is an emotion that is full of hate, anger and most of all darkness.  It is not a place human beings should venture.  It is a state of mind that is difficult if not impossible to manage.  It cultivates bitterness, intolerance and is evil.  It allows you to dismiss the other person as insignificant and it dehumanizes you.  Life is full of rejection and disappointments, it comes with the territory.  The lack of maturity and growth has allowed the manifestation of this emotion in their lives. 

If you're interested in a particular woman and she isn't interested in you, move on.  She wasn't meant to be in your life and you were not meant to be in hers.  You do not have the right to follow her down the street yelling obscenities, threatening her, intimidating her or touching her.  You should remember that you have women in your family, mothers, sisters, grandmothers, aunts, nieces and daughters.  Every young lady you encounter has a family that cares about her and would not appreciate your behavior. 

God help the men of this world to save each other because they're the only ones that can.  If women could save men, the world would be different.  Men have to pull each other's coattails and speak out against the abhorrent behavior.  They must hold each other accountable for their actions.  Role models are not what they used to be, but let's work with what we have. 

Step all over us or push us to get to a seat on the train or bus.
Call us names because we're not interested in talking to you.
Threaten us. (You might run up on Annie Oakley one day)
Let the door slam in our faces.
Refer to us as the bitches or "hoes."
Assume your conversation is what we've been waiting for in life.  All women are not lonely and desperate for a man.  Stop believing the media hype and getting your take on reality from rap videos. 
Carry yourself like a thug and then be surprised that we don't want to be bothered. 
Be unemployed, uneducated, broke, living at home with your mama, have kids all over the place, full of excuses and have no plans for your future and be surprised that smart women don't want to be bothered with your ass! 

Take responsibility for your life and the decisions you made that affected your life.
Take responsibility for your child(ren).  You made them.  You need to take care of them.
Respect others.
Educate yourself in every way possible to be a success.
Love the women in your life totally.  They will be the ones to stand by you.
Leave the world better than you found it.
Positively influence the men in your life by example.

Women your next!

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